Let me preface this by stating a couple of facts: 1) Hummers cost more then the average income of a family of four in the United States. Average MSRP, just over $50,000 2) The average Hummer can...according to the GM website, ford 2 feet of water, has 17 inch wheels, and has a gas tank that hold 32 gallons. 3) My 1994 Chevy Cavalier can ford about 3 inches of water, has tiny ass wheels, and has a gas tank that holds 12 gallons. 4)The average Hummer can run over my Cavalier and the...
I was thinking today that the Unites States pretty much has fought all its major wars the same since about the Civil war. We use a strategy of anniliation, or maybe better put, a stategy of total victory. We base our ability to fight war on the idea that we have superior resources and therefore we should be successful. This strategy worked well in WWI and WWII. We basically won a long war of attricion, becasue we had superior weapons and resources. This was a sound doctirne during a time...
Me and one of my co-workers were talking about the unfortunate crash of the plane, a Boeing 737, over in Greece. Apparently it lost cabin pressure and all the people on board froze to death. Besides the fact that this seems like a very unpleasant way to die, freezing to death at 35,000 feet, we were wondering what the effect would be on Boeing's stock. With both of us being from Detroit, we like to root for the American guys over the foreign ones, so we have been happy as of late that Boeing ...
I was just reading this article Link . It is all about how there are several states that the minorities are now the majorities. Now this does not mean that any single group of minorities, aka hispanics are the majority, it just means that no group has over 50% anymore. To me this is really the future of America. In the future you are going to find that there is no clear majority, mabye a bunch of groups making up 20 percent or so. I think this a a very good thing, and that this shows how grea...
In Grand Rapids, Michigan today, a man in a wheelchair got stuck to the grill of a semi-truck, and was driven 2-3 miles down the highway at 50mph. I am not making this up. Now, I don't want everyone to think I am making fun of people in a wheelchair, that would be incorrect, I am really just truly confused. Here is the link to the article in the Detroit Free Press. Apparently the man was crossing an intersection when the truck driver got the wheelchair lodged into his grill. He apparent...
p>For those our there who do not know what the "Deadliest Catch" is, let me give you a description. This is a show that is on the Discovery Channel. It follows the working life of several Alaskan crab boats as they work to recieve your future dinner on the Bering Sea. Here is the blurb that the Discovery Channel says about the show... "Each year, hundreds of fishermen converge on Dutch Harbor, Alaska, for the beginning of the Alaskan king crab season. While at sea, they face nearly 24-ho...
This is going to be a short and sweet entry today. I heard no Paris Hilton news today. No mention of it on the morning radio show, no one walking by me desk with the proverbial "You hear about Paris today?" I am sooo tired of getting dragged into this news story even when I hate the very idea of having to listen to any of it. There are plenty of important things going on in the world, and this is what I have to discuss with my coworkers? So apparently the Lord has smiled on me and removed Par...
Yes, I am talking about that Chrysler 300-C. The ones that you see in all the rap videos and in all the movies. This car has been a huge success for Chrysler, but it has often been pigeonholed as appealing to the urban crowd. Well Chrysler's marketing team should be proud, because there I was cruising down I-94 on my way to wrk when I see a silver 300C up ahead. It looked a lot like the one below. So here is me, at 6:45am, thinking to myself: Self... I wonder who is driving this car. I bet...
So one of my goals in this blog is to point out the amazing variety of useless products that get presented to the American public every year. I pointed out a great product called Colonblow in a blog a while ago. Now I bring you the latest and greatest to hit our store shelves: Odor Alert Cat Litter. Yes, that is correct, this is cat littler the alerts you to the fact that there is an odor by turning color. Now pardon me if I just don't see the point, but one would think that the fa...
Man.... I just got home from some serious Christmas shopping. I always have a couple of things that I need to get right before Christmas, so inevitably I am running around close to the holiday. My trip after work today consisted of a few stores and then the dreaded final stop....Briarwood Mall. Just to give you a reference here is an aerial view of what getting into the mall was like today. All of this was in the supposed crappy economy around here. I know that we have a higher unem...
I just wanted to write a quick comment on the proposed stimulus package that the Congress and the President have come to agree on. The just of it seems to be a $300-$600 check per person, with an income cap. There are also going to be measures that allow businesses to write off depreciation faster then normal. I think the fact that we are resorting to this kind of thing is despicable. Of course everyone loves getting a check in the mail. I mean who would not want $600 to go blow on a PS3 ...
Just what the beleaguered Metro Area needs right now, a major highway shut down for days...possibly weeks. Apparently, last night around 8pm, a tanker carrying approximately 13,000 gallons of fuel was in an accident, and just happened to be under the overpass for 9 mile rd. Of course, it blew up, and burned the overpass for hours. The picture above is from the Detroit News, and shows the damage done to the overpass. Amazingly, no one was killed or even seriously injured in this debacle. ...
This is a great picture. I almost don't even have to explain it. It looks as if it could come from the Onion , everyone's favorite satirical newspaper. But of course it is a real picture, of an Astronaut named Rex Walheim modeling NASA's next generation space suit for the new President during the inaugural parade. I believe that if you look close at the picture you will see that President Obama has a sly smirk on his face, which means: "I cannot believe they put a guy marching in a space...