I was thinking today that the Unites States pretty much has fought all its major wars the same since about the Civil war. We use a strategy of anniliation, or maybe better put, a stategy of total victory. We base our ability to fight war on the idea that we have superior resources and therefore we should be successful.
This strategy worked well in WWI and WWII. We basically won a long war of attricion, becasue we had superior weapons and resources. This was a sound doctirne during a time when the main goal of the war was to anniliate both the enemy army and the enemies ability to make war. The problem is that US military never adapted thier strategy from there. It has advanced in other areas, such as being able to move small stricke forces arounfd quicky. It has also contuinued it's technological dominence... but it has not faced the reality of a new battlefield objective.
In all the wars since WWII, the Unites states has continued with this same strategy...and its not working. We continue to overwhelm our enimies, in both sheer numbers and technology. We continue to have no problem dealing with conventional forces on the ground. We have a problem after, according to our strategy, success is achieved. The current Iraq conflict is a great example.
1. If you dont beleive that we are still using this style of strategy I have 2 words for tyou...shock and awe.....
2. Bush declares end of combat operations...because according to our strategy...we have won. No more ability to make war, no more conventional forces to oppose us. We all know the basic facts that we have sustained far more casulties after this declaration then after.
I am not stating these things as a protest to the Iraq war, more to point out the US doctrine of warmaking is flawed from the begining given the currect political goals of conflict. We must realize that "shick and awe" and a strategy of annilation is not going to give us the political ends that we seek today.
Thoughts and opinions please.....