General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
jdkeepsmiling's Articles In Automotive
January 13, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
The Big 3 are not dead. That seems to be the overriding theme of the Detroit Auto Show this year. In fact, as one reporter put it: "Their collective push is to tell America what a good investment it made." Gone are the glitzy introductions, and movie star introductions. Instead we are treated to a no nonsense GM announcing the Spark, a sub-compact that gets 42 MPG will be available here for 2011. Ford introduced it's 2010 Fusion hybrid that will have best millage in it's class, beating out the C...
January 30, 2007 by jdkeepsmiling
I was just wondering what everyone's impression of the state of the US Big Three automakers are? I live around Detroit, so I know that we see things a little differently here. I can tell you that the general perspective around here is that GM has turned the corner, and the Ford is on the way down. I know it may sound old fashioned, but I really am rooting for the comeback of the domestic automakers. I don't think that many people around the country know how much it means to this area. Imagine...