General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
jdkeepsmiling's Articles In Life
June 5, 2007 by jdkeepsmiling
My time was thoroughly and intensely wasted today. This I can say with absolute certainty. In fact, I can point to a specific group as someone who helped further the advance of global warming by making me drive around for 30 minutes looking for a stinking drop box. OK, here is the situation...JD wants to enter the Ann Arbor City Tennis Tournament. On the website for the tournament it says a drop box is located at an address that does not exist. Mapquest or Streets and Trips cannot find it, ...
July 4, 2007 by jdkeepsmiling
America has lost it's global imperative. It is not hiding around the corner, or on vacation, it is completely MIA. It went on permanent leave when the Communist bloc fell, and suddenly we were the sole superpower in a world accustomed to two ideologies going toe to toe all over the world. The problem with this is that America likes to have the moral high ground, and this we did when were leading the world to freedom and democracy against those dirty commies. But afterwards all we had was our ...
July 14, 2008 by jdkeepsmiling
I find it hard to not meet expectations, especially my own. I amsomeone who will generally strive as hard as possible (although Wifemight disagree) to meet the expectations that are presented to me. I donot say this to brag, but to more to point out dreadfully incompetentfeeling that I get when I don't meet my own expectations. Doing well isfine by me, and I thrive in it. Becoming the youngest Branch Manager inthe 65 year plus history of my company....great; not meeting salesexpectations....harr...