General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
jdkeepsmiling's Articles In Politics
January 24, 2005 by jdkeepsmiling
The other day I was at work, having a good political debate with one of my coworkers that shall remain nameless, when the topic of poverty came up. The guy that I was talking with told me that there are lots of jobs out there and that people, especially those in the inner city (Detroit), should just go get jobs. He backed up his argument by saying that he is confident that if he lost his job that he would be reemployed within 2 weeks. I agreed with him in the sense that of course he could...
January 26, 2005 by jdkeepsmiling
I was just reading a little of the Detroit News Link today when I came across an interesting article. It seems that the Gov. here in Michigan, Jennifer Granholm, has come up with a pretty good idea when it comes to taxes. For a little background, let me tel you about Michigans Single Business Tax. This is basically a flat fee tax that asseses a 1.9% tax on payrolls of company. This idea has never really made sense to me, and a lot of people, me included think that this tax has a net negativ...
January 10, 2008 by jdkeepsmiling
I wanted to write a note about why I think we need a new primary system and what I think would be a good idea. Now I know that this has absolutely no bearing on reality and is not about to spur a national discussion, but I am willing to give it a go anyway. The primary system as set up now completely stinks. I don't feel that I need to elaborate on this, as it has been talked about many many times. Two or three states get to have all the say in who becomes the candidates for their respect...
March 12, 2008 by jdkeepsmiling
Sorry for the short post of little or no consequence, but I just had to get this quote a little attention. "If stupidity ever gets to $200 a barrel, I want drilling rights to Eliot Spitzer’s head." You can read the full article behind this at Politico .
January 12, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
While I was running on the treadmill at the gym on Monday, Fox News was on a TV in front of me. While I was rocking out to my Cascada, a headline kept flashing on the bottom of the screen. It said "Is War in Gaza Only Way for Israel to Gain Peace?" Now I could not hear what they were saying, but it got me thinking about this current conflict, and war as a political device. My friend Larry recently posted a thought on Facebook. He was referring to an Op-Ed in the Times entitled " The Confid...
January 26, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
  Honestly. It has been less then a week into the new administration, when we already have a corporation exploiting the first family for all it's cuteness. It turns out that Ty Corporation, maker of the infamous Beanie Baby line of stuffed toys, has released a "Marvelous Malia" and "Sweet Sasha" set of dolls. Now of course Ty claims that it is just coincidence, but who are they fooling? The timing and names could not make it more clear that this is just a timing gimmick to sell as many...
April 22, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
So, I am reading my usual daily dose of Politico, and I come across a blog article by Glenn Thrush talking about how Ron Paul is backing up the Texas governor in saying that succeeding from the USA is an American thing to do. He talks about how the original 13 colonies succeeded from England and all that jazz. Here is the Paul's direct quote: " it is very American to talk about secession. That's how we came in being. Thirteen colonies seceded from the British and established a new country...
April 29, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
Arlen Specter has bailed on the Republican Party. I want to approach this news from three different directions: 1. Swine Flu made the man go crazy 2. Republican's are battling an increasingly conservative party structure that does not leave room for moderates like Specter. 3. Specter is just out to save his political life, this is just a pragmatic switch to stay a senator. Ok, so the swine flu probably has nothing to do with this, but you cannot count it out, because apparently every ne...
June 26, 2009 by jdkeepsmiling
Man, we must be headed for some sort of infidelity record in the political arena. We have had two major players go down in the past few weeks, each in their own agonizing manner. Gone are the days of illicit meet ups at a hotel, now we have international intrigue, with Governors jetting off to to other countries just to cheat. It is an exciting time to be a scandal watcher in politics. First was a senator from Nevada, John Ensign, who while being a staunch proponent of "Family Values" and be...