On the 19th of July, the Senate Finance Committee voted 17-4 to reauthorize and expand the CHIP Program. This is a program that allocates monies to help low income working families get health care for their children. It now heads to the full Senate for debate. A similar bill was vetoed by President Bush last year. This is exactly the kind of work that the Congress needs to be doing for the people. What kind of country is this, the richest in the world, where a low income WORKING family can...
Ron Paul is the kind of guy you want to cheer for. He is the proverbial underdog who has caught a huge wave of young energetic support. He is the Howard Dean of the 2008 campaign. In fact I sincerely admire the man and the fact that he has stuck to his convictions over his 20+ years in public service. For those of you who don't know who this Ron Paul guy is, he is running for a the Republican nomination for President. He has run in the past under the Libertarian banner. He is a strict con...
I was watching the Potomac Primaries this Tuesday, and both Barack Obama and John McCain swept all the contests. If you want my opinion, John McCain needs to work on his rally set up, because after the contests, both he and Obama had a victory rally. Let me give you a photographic representation of both their rallies: 1st John McCain: 2nd: Barack Obama: Now of course this is a gross graphic misrepresentation, except for the Obama rally because that is a real picture of ...
I am a lover of America. I firmly defend America's preeminence in theworld. We have been a beacon of hope and opportunity for as long as Ihave lived, and certainly much longer then that. Heck, I am BORN on the4th of July, how could I not be US booster. Lately however, that hasbegun to change. I believe that we, the people, which in the endis America the country, have begun to accept and even crave mediocrity.We no longer seek out the high moral road like we have done so manytimes in the past....
Yup, that thing pictured above is what is causing all these divisiveness and argument. It is a human embryonic stem cell. During his eight years in office, President Bush took a hard line on the stem cell issue, eventually banning the use of federal monies in research using these guys. Now President Obama has opened to door for money to flow into this research once again. This is sure to whip up a frenzy on both sides. The problem that the right has in trying to argue their side is t...