A democrat shaking in his boots
I am shaking in my boots......
I, as a serious democrat, am scared of the prospect of Howard Dean leading my party. The scary thing is that I actually support him and the ideas that I know he will being to the forefront. What I am scared about is the prospect of what the man will do to support of the party. He is going to alienate far more people then he is going to attract.
I am worried that the democrats are not learning the cold hard facts that this past election pointed out. We are still a country that basically votes on morals. Unfortunatly for deomcrats, we are not aligned with the majority of the voting public when it comes to the perception of our moral values. I do beleive that we are closer then is the common perception, and that is why picking Dean is not in the best long term interests of the party. If we were coming off an idealogical victory in this past election, Dean would be the perfect man for the job. What we need in the current situation is someone who can go into Tenessee and Georgia, and get the people who are socailly conservative or independant, but who align with the other issues that the democrats offer.
We needed someone to step forward who was a true uniter, and I do not beleive that we found our man. This is ashame, for i do believe that this is a critical juncture for our party. I feel we may be more and more marginalized, only to be saved by the great candidate very once in a while.
Thoughts and opinions please.....