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American Life
General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
A little about me
Published on January 19, 2005 By
I was just thinking that it was a good idea for me to write a little about me. One of my history professors once told me that everyone should know who the source of their information is so that they can accertain with what bias it comes from. So here is a little history about me.
I was born in 1980, on July 4th, which some say is the reason that I have made politics and all things political one of my hobbies. Being born on the 4th of July is great, at first. My loving mother told me that all the parades and fireworks were for me, and I unknowingly went along with the ploy until I figured out that if the parade was for me, why was I standing on the side of the road and not in it... I grew up in Metropolitian Detroit, in an area called "Downriver," which basically qualifes as any area south of the city. When I was 7 we moved out to exurbia, and there I have lived ever since.
I come from a stable two parent household that has always had a solid middle class background. Although not raised in a church, I am a solid Christian, and a member of a Presbyterian Chuch. I have one younger brother, and he is three years younger then me. I attended Albion College
where I graduated in 2002 with a degree in political science. With that degree i moved the Chicago and started working for a grassroots political campaign raising money. Although resonably successful at this, I wanted to move back to Michigan becasue of family and came back in 2003. Now I work as middle management (inventory manager to be specific) at a building supply wholesaler.
As far as politcs are concerned I am a pretty middle of the road guy, with views that back up people on both sides of the aisle. I would ahve to say that I lean slightly more to the left, in that those issues i agree with the leftist view are a tad more important on my list of priorities. On the whole I believe that the people have a duty to take care of the less fortunate in our society, we must be stewards of our planet, we have a right to bear arms and abortion is bad. So i am kind of a good conglomorate of views. Hopefully this blog will be a goodplace for me to hash out some of the ideas in my head.
I hope that this lets you see where I will be coming from in my postings. Everything that is published, especially in an open forum comes with a bias, so hopefully you can see the kind of baggage that my opinions will come with.
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on Jan 19, 2005
Welcome, welcome, welcome...
I am reminded of something a friend recently said to me regarding political leanings. Basically he said remember the human body. There is a left side and a right side. Each has its own function and way of doing things. Without one, the other looks unnecessary.
While I too lean to the left, I am not so leftist I can't see when the right is right, if you understand what I saying.
Again, welcome. Hope you enjoy JU as much as I do.
on Jan 20, 2005
Nice to 'meet' you
I dont read much about politics but hopefully you dont just post politic threads?
on Jan 24, 2005
Thanks for your responses and welcomes. I hope to be posting on all kinds of subjects. Ranging from what is on TV to the current state of affairs in professional tennis. So I hope that this will become a place where all things are discussed. Thanks to dynamaso for realizing that there are people who can see things from both sides of the aisle.
on Jan 31, 2005
Where downriver are you from? I know people from Trenton, Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Taylor. They are all older than you though....1980?! Man am I old! I graduated high school when you were 8yrs old.
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