1. My friend and great blogger extraordinare Srah, has recently posted on the merits of various girl scout cookies. Check out the blog here. I have to say that in general I agree with her, although I do believe that the Thin Mint is the Queen of cookies, especially frozen in the summer.
2. I am reading a great book right now titled "Serve God and Save the Planet" by J. Matthew Sleeth, MD. This is an excellent read about his personal experience and how his family has drastically reduced their footprint on our planet. He also sees it as a call to serve God's most basic commandment, love thy neighbor as thyself. Excellent read, pick it up here.
3. Spring is wonderful. The past few days have been in the high 40's, and around here that constitutes spring. The crocuses are coming up in our front bed... it is great to see life emerge again.
4. I have recently been humbled by my wife, and a discussion we had about purity of heart, and not just action. Thanks wife, I will try to do better 
5. We had a good friend over for two nights, as he was in town on business. What a great thing friendship is! It reminds you that there are many many good people in this world. Should not we all try to treat everyone as a friend? It was a great time, and we passed it by eating voraciously and playing a crazy game of monopoly.
6. I am running in a 4 mile race tomorrow, and I am a little nervous. I have ben pretty good about my training, and think I should be able to hit my target of under 40 minutes. Everyone wish me luck, and pray that I do not hurt myself.
7. I will soon go outside and attempt to do some long needed maintenance on our 2003 Chevy Cavalier. I am the only one out there completely intimidated by cars? It seems there is always something that needs to be worked on, and it is always just out of my knowledge range. I am just glad if the thing is running when I am done...
Until next time...