General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
Help Keep America Food-Secure
Published on August 20, 2007 By jdkeepsmiling In World Trade Issues
Quite a while ago, I watched a movie about an apple farmer in Washington titled "Broken Limbs: Apples, Agriculture and the new American Farmer." This was an excellent documentary that pointed out the plight that many apple farmers face from new stiff overseas competition. It also dove a little into agribusiness, and how hard it is for these guys who have 20-200 acres to even get their fruit to market. They have to go through packer, who then goes through wholesaler, who then sells it to the supermarket chains who then sells it to you. Think of that 25 cents apple and how much of that gets back to the actual farmer.

So I would encourage all of you out there to see this movie, and also to purchase American fruit whenever possible. People might laugh and say this is the natural evolution of the market, but I say it is a literal matter of national security. We must produce our own food. If we lose that then we lose all ability to be self-sustaining and self-reliant. Lets not let what has happened with oil also happen with our food. So check those labels, and if you can get American, please do so.

on Aug 20, 2007
So check those labels, and if you can get American, please do so.

As long as American farmers hire illegal immigrant workers, I don't see the point!

on Aug 21, 2007
Nice sentiment. Too bad people don't really care about American made, at least not until they lives are put on the line and then they raise hell. This country is all about more, it's all about making as much of it and buying expensive things at cheap prices.
on Aug 21, 2007
It is not any other nation doing it to us.  It is us.  Remember Alar?  Much ado about nothing, and that hit the industry really hard.