General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
Published on July 7, 2007 By jdkeepsmiling In Misc
I was over helping my parents pack for their big move to Arkansas. Now why they are moving to Arkansas could possibly fill a novel the size of War and Peace, but I am not here to write about that. I am here to write about a giant spider that we found in the garage while moving some stuff. Now some people who read this might be from down south where this size spider is commonplace, but not up here in Michigan. This has to be the largest spider I have ever seen here. I don't know what kind of spider it is, so if anyone out there does, let me know. Here is the pic:
Pretty Cool...huh?? Yup, I am definitely male.

on Jul 09, 2007
Being a South African I'm pretty used to spiders and snakes--in fact I think they're great. This guy looks like a relative of the Wolf Spider and is generally harmless. He could give you a nasty nip but it is unlikely to give you more than a sore finger. In my country the general rule is: the smaller the spider (like the geometric or black widow), the more poisonous he is. The larger baboons, wolfs and trapdoors bite but are not deadly in any way. At the other end of the spectrum is the "daddy long legs" who has very poisonous fangs but, fortunately for us, they are too small to inflict any damage. There are exceptions to the rule but not many. South American spiders seem to be the nastier customers!
on Jul 09, 2007
Being a South African I'm pretty used to spiders and snakes--in fact I think they're great. This guy looks like a relative of the Wolf Spider and is generally harmless. He could give you a nasty nip but it is unlikely to give you more than a sore finger. In my country the general rule is: the smaller the spider (like the geometric or black widow), the more poisonous he is. The larger baboons, wolfs and trapdoors bite but are not deadly in any way. At the other end of the spectrum is the "daddy long legs" who has very poisonous fangs but, fortunately for us, they are too small to inflict any damage. There are exceptions to the rule but not many. South American spiders seem to be the nastier customers!
on Jul 09, 2007
I prefer Tarantulas, but this one looks neat (my wife would disagree).
on Jul 09, 2007
I was waiting for it to pick that quarter up and throw it back at me....