General discussion and observations about life in these United States. Topics include politics, economics, and general commentary.
Published on June 26, 2007 By jdkeepsmiling In Personal Relationships
I wanted to write a little blog tonight about the romantic power of water. The wife and I were Downtown for the Detroit River Days (see last blog), and it seemed to me that every time we took a second to walk up to the river and pause, my arm just naturally went around my wife. We were instantly drawn together so we could look out over the dancing water at the ships going past. so we came up with a term for this "instasnuggle." Basically there are things that can bring upon this state of being, for example, giving your wife flowers . But the amazing part about this is that whenever we stopped by the water, instasnuggle kicked in. So here is to the almighty instasnuggle power of the riverfront. JD.

on Jun 26, 2007
Waterfire in Providence also seems to have that effect. The combination of the water, and the fires on it, is just amazing. Instasnuggle definitely kicks in.